Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Running Barefoot

Today i ran barefoot again - just 6 mins or half a mile

I did it along the seafront on paving and it was exhilirating!!

I bought my Vibrams 5 fingers, but have started with total bare feet because I have been advised to by Wendy of the about.com running forum!!

I am starting a lot more carefully this time and beginning with only 5 - 6 mins and will get some real advice for how to progress...

I am wearing my Vibrams around the house and out and getting used to any pressure points...

all good so far...


WendyBird said...

Woo-hoo!! Glad you loved it. Barefoot running is a happy addiction!

Tanya said...

Woohoo-sounds like we have a new barefoot runner to spice things up over at the forum!