Monday, 28 December 2009

Sprints and photo shoots

Hi, today I did 2x 400m at at least 5k pace and warmed up and walked in between etc!!!!

what a different feeling - going as fast as I could and consuming a caffiene packed gel at the same time - to try it for my upcoming race!!

I can understand how some people call it running only if you can run at 9 min mile pace - which is sooo elitist and crap - if you look on wiki or a dictionary definition running is when both feet come off the ground and walking is when one foot is always in contact with the ground

We don't have 'trot' or 'canter' like horses

ok i know a sprint feels different from a slow waddle but it's still both running - i refuse to call myself a jogger and won't accept anyone who tells me that is wrong.

I am now officially going to be part of a work of art...

my sister has been doing an ongoing project about my schizophrenia and is now turning it into her final project for her degree show as well as a book an art installation short film, a 3 minute wonder for television and a set of exhibition prints...

part of the work is my writing about my illness... which will be spoken for the film or written in the book...

I really feel nervous about this stage of it when it is all still happening... but the actual shooting - i just want to do her work justice - she is part of the 2009 - 10 Taylor Wessing exhibition at the Tate National Portrait Gallery and is being commissioned for some shots to go along side it.

Her previous short film has been shown in film festivals around the world and if anyone wants to see some of her work, click this link:

there has been some new stuff added btw

1 comment:

Teamarcia said...

OMG you are killing me here! Great job on those intervals!