Thursday 3 December 2009

Half Year Total.........


This is half a year total of 26 weeks...

I can't give you my year total because i deleted my Garmin... so I am going from my Richmond 5k, to Jurassic Coast 10k, to 6 Moor Miles, to Tavy 7 and up until the end of last week...

This is my first respectable ammount of miles in an ammount of time... I did want a full year total in Jan but kind of forgot that when i deleted everything!!!!

Garmin won't give me my totals anyway any more because I have started running on treadmill...

So... another year when i can promise myself to log all my miles instead of looking forward to a grand total... I was running A LOT less in the first half of the year tho, so i will really make an effort now to Pile On The Miles.

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