Thursday, 19 November 2009

11.55 min miles

Hi, I did a 2 mile run today and am very excited that soon I will be improving more and more with speed and am already improving a lot!!!

This is the first time i have looked at my Garmin and seen anything under a 12 min mile avg and this run was only pretty short - a 2 mile run - BUT i did have a slow section where I chatted to my fiance, slowed down, shouted back to him walking, got my heart rate back, recovered, and then went on at a pretty average I thought pace... after running the first mile downhill in 11:03, so no surprises i was slower on the way back,

Thinking about doing another Cooper's Test instead of a 2 miler next time - good measure of my progress, i think i might be able to pull out of the forum archives my last result...


Dustie said...

Great job on improving the pace. Most important is the fact that you are out there moving! and doing great!

Sarah said...

Way to go! I ahve found that just by keeping consistent with my running and doing some speedwork my pace definitely improves...sometimes I don't even notice it until I started watching my times. Keep up the good work!

greentigress said...

Hi Dustie and Sarah - thanks, yes, I have been doing some speed work - must be paying off!!

Tanya said...

You're progressing beautifully-do the Cooper test again-I'll bet you'll be surprised at the results!